A Toys Orchestra - 0000 - [Collection] > http://urlin.us/3zwsk
A Toys Orchestra - 0000 - [Collection]
Died November 16, 1964(1964-11-16) (aged69) Los Angeles, California, U.S. Malotte wrote in the first page of the score why he composed this play based in a historical event called Moorish Games (in Spanish: Juegos Moriscos) happened in 1569 in Purchena, a small Spanish to which he had never gone. Scouting portal Philadelphia portal . Authority control WorldCat Identities VIAF: 71591323 LCCN: no90021497 ISNI: 0000 0000 8151 7335 GND: 1014325862 BNF: cb14020927n (data) MusicBrainz: 5e11aabe-2580-43a5-99db-0d4890fd156f BNE: XX839377 . I am proud to be an American I pledge my love to you (1951 - Dedicated to Mrs.
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